Inefficiency is expensive. It costs time, it costs labor, and it costs in missed opportunities due to lack of resources for other projects. Companies can realize significant savings by improving IT operational efficiency and making process improvements. The ServiceNow® IT Operations Management (ITOM) solution is proving to be extremely valuable for organizations that need to conserve resources. In a recent Forbes article, the Senior Vice President of Customer Workflows at ServiceNow, John Ball, told analysts that Lloyds Banking Group used ServiceNow to shrink its payment operations process from 16 steps across six different systems down to two steps and one system.1

As ServiceNow system integrators, the Customizo team has seen how effective the ServiceNow ITOM solution can be in transforming inefficient processes. The following overview covers important IT Operations Management considerations for companies interested in succeeding at digital transformation, improving the overall usage of their systems, and making their customers happier:
Resolving issues with a well-implemented ServiceNow ITOM solution
When looking at improving operations management, it’s important to ensure that the foundation is strong. That means that SLAs and KPIs are being met, and that patches are installed quickly using an efficient process. Members of the operations team should not be overburdened and drained by using outdated tools to do patch management and provisioning when there are more interesting projects for them to work on. These signs indicate that foundational operations and service management improvements are needed:
Missed SLAs/KPIs
User complaints, user frustration
Downtime, unavailable systems, slow response times
Lack of patch management
Tired, burnt-out operations teams
Once improvements are made, savings add up daily, monthly, and yearly as the ServiceNow solution helps you reduce manual work through automation, streamlining systems, and by reducing downtime. A well-implemented ServiceNow ITOM solution can give your operations team the tools they need to do their jobs successfully. And, the potential benefits of ITOM extend beyond resolving immediate issues. Not only can you resolve incidents faster, you can get to a point where fewer incidents occur in the first place.
Moving from reactive to proactive mode
No one likes reactive mode. User complaints flood in, and your team members stop what they’re doing to pay attention to the squeakiest wheel, whether it’s your priority project or not. By switching to a proactive mode that uses operational intelligence and machine learning, your team will be alerted to potential issues that they can solve earlier and prevent users from even being aware that a problem ever existed. The ServiceNow ITOM solution has the capability to provide predictive maintenance and notice anomalies that will help your team avoid issues, and quickly identify root causes to resolve problems early.
Bill McDermott, CEO, and President of ServiceNow explains,
“We have built-in machine learning and AI into our platform so 80 percent of the soul-crushing work people don’t want to do is done by the Now platform. The 20 percent that involves a human immediately gets initiated through a workflow order from the Now platform.”2
In our work helping customers implement the Service Now ITBM solution, we’ve seen the benefits of seamless communication first-hand. For example, a multi-billion Retail company we worked with integrated multiple systems with ServiceNow ITBM and saw increased agility, quickly adapting to changes and innovation.
Supporting the transition to cloud with ServiceNow ITOM
A recent Gartner insights article covering the pervasive cloud deployment trend says that what’s changing is, “A greater share of enterprise data will be managed through cloud applications, furthering the decentralization of data and analytics capabilities.” 3 Gartner predicts: “By 2022, public cloud services will be essential for 90% of data and analytics innovation.”
With ServiceNow ITOM optimization, you can prevent over-spending and server sprawl by optimizing to ensure that your cloud assets are appropriate for your actual usage. You can also automate tasks such as provisioning in multi-cloud deployments to save time and reserve operations resources for higher-level tasks.
In our work helping customers use the ServiceNow ITOM solution as part of their cloud deployment, we’ve seen the difference it makes. Customizo helped a number of Enterprise Customers through the implementation of Event Management which resulted in a dramatic shift toward proactive IT operations and service restorations.
When companies start with one piece of the ServiceNow solution, such as IT Service management (ITSM), they get first-hand exposure to the user-centric interface and experience how well the ServiceNow solution performs. Discover why senior business leaders are embracing ServiceNow (link to other post).
To learn more about how a ServiceNow implementation can add value to your organization’s technology platform, contact us.
1 Four Reasons ServiceNow Could Grow Faster Than Its 22% Target
2 ServiceNow CEO on “The Whole Point of Digital Transformation”
3 4 Data & Analytics Trends CFOs Can’t Afford to Ignore
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